A somber reality unfolds at Habib Bourguiba Hospital in Sfax, Tunisia, as the scent of death permeates the air around its morgue. Behind closed doors and barred entrances, the bodies of deceased migrants lie in wait, their identities often unknown, their stories untold.
Hospital staff, clad in protective gear, guard these silent halls with reluctance to speak. The veil of silence shrouding the morgue hints at a deeper narrative of secrecy and suppression. Attempts to shed light on the situation are met with resistance, as authorities prefer to keep the issue hidden from public scrutiny.
The surge in migrant arrivals, particularly during the spring migration season, overwhelms the facilities, leaving morgues congested and resources stretched thin. Visual identifications or DNA sampling are employed in a bid to determine the identities of the deceased, a process fraught with challenges and delays.
Romdhane Ben Amor, spokesperson for the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, sheds light on the evolving bureaucratic landscape surrounding migrant burials. Once overseen by local prosecutors, the authorization process is now centralized under the Ministry of the Interior, further complicating an already arduous procedure.
For Éric Tchata, president of the Cameroonian Diaspora Association in Tunisia, the situation is emblematic of systemic neglect. The hasty retrieval of bodies from the sea and the lack of proper preservation methods exacerbate the difficulties faced by those tasked with identification.
Yet, attempts to raise awareness or demand accountability are met with resistance. Journalist Haythem El Mekki’s prosecution under Decree 54 underscores the state’s efforts to suppress dissent and control the narrative surrounding migrant deaths.
In navigating these challenges, national organizations such as the Tunisian Red Crescent step in to manage the aftermath of migrant tragedies. Working in tandem with authorities, they facilitate identification processes and oversee burials, albeit with limited transparency.
Amidst the silence, tales of clandestine burials emerge, highlighting the anonymity and indignity endured by those lost at sea. As migrants, irrespective of faith or background, find their final resting place in unmarked graves on the outskirts of Sfax, the shadows of their stories linger, a testament to the human cost of migration.