One year has passed since the tragic Cutro migrant vessel incident, and Firas El-Ghazi, a 41-year-old Cutro survivor, still grapples with the harrowing memories of February 26, 2023. That day, his six-year-old grandson, Sultan, lost his life onboard the ship due to the freezing temperatures.
For Firas, the Cutro survivor, time seems to have frozen at that moment of loss. He admits, “I don’t know if I will ever be able to erase the suffering I witnessed. It haunts me in my dreams every single night.” His grief is palpable, as he recounts the events that unfolded on that fateful night. Both Sultan and another grandson clung to debris in the sea for three agonizing hours until rescue arrived. Tragically, Sultan did not survive.
In the aftermath of the disaster, Firas, along with about 50 other family members of victims and survivors, returned to Crotone to honor the memory of the tragedy. The journey was facilitated by Rete 26 Febbraio, a coalition of over 400 associations and entities. They organized three days of commemorative events from February 24th to 26th.
Firas also had the opportunity to share his story with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during a delegation meeting at Palazzo Chigi in Rome. However, despite the outpouring of empathy, Firas’s journey to find solace and stability in Germany has been marred by bureaucratic challenges. He sought international protection, hoping to reunite with his family, but was only granted humanitarian protection for a year.
Reflecting on his decision to seek refuge in Europe, Firas expresses regret that he regretted coming to Germany. Perhaps Italy could have offered more. My dreams of rebuilding a normal life with my family seem distant now, overshadowed by uncertainty and disappointment.”
Joining Firas in his quest for justice and closure is Alidad Shiri, a 31-year-old Afghan writer and journalist residing in Bolzano. Having lost a 17-year-old cousin in the shipwreck, Alidad emphasizes the importance of seeking truth and accountability. He shares that they are here to demand justice and truth, which have been elusive since this preventable tragedy occurred.
As Firas, Alidad, and others continue to grapple with the trauma of the Cutro migrant vessel disaster.Their resilience and determination serve as a poignant reminder of the human cost of migration. This underscores the urgent need for compassion and action in response to such tragedies.