In a recent interview, Mamadou Kouassi, whose life story is a significant inspiration for Matteo Garrone’s acclaimed film ‘Io Capitano‘, shared his poignant journey from Ivory Coast to Europe. Despite the film’s nomination for an Oscar in the “Best International Feature” category, Mamadou emphasizes that the primary goal was to bring attention to the plight of migrants and refugees.
Kouassi reflects on his humble beginnings in Ivory Coast, where dreams of a better life in Europe fueled his aspirations. Alongside his cousin Emmanuel, they embarked on a perilous journey through several countries, facing exploitation and danger at every turn. From evading police in Niger to enduring unimaginable horrors in Libya, Mamadou’s account unveils the grim reality of migrant experiences.
Despite enduring hardships, including imprisonment and separation from loved ones, Mamadou’s resilience shines through as he finds his cousin and survives a treacherous sea journey to Italy. However, the challenges didn’t end there, as he struggled to find employment and integrate into Italian society.
Now, as a cultural mediator and social worker, Mamadou advocates for migrant rights and uses his story to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis faced by refugees worldwide. The film’s critical acclaim has brought attention to their cause and sparked discussions about incorporating it into educational curricula across Italy.
As ‘Io Capitano‘ resonates with audiences and celebrities alike, Mamadou emphasizes fostering empathy and understanding towards migrants. Through initiatives like using the film as an educational tool, he hopes to combat prejudice and foster compassion among younger generations, ultimately striving for a more inclusive and empathetic society.