In a tragic and deeply regrettable turn of events, 18-year-old Manneh Nafugi, a young asylum seeker hailing from Gambia, tragically lost his life in Italy’s northern Piedmont region after being subjected to a vicious assault by fellow migrants. The heart-wrenching incident, which unfolded in the serene confines of the small town of Canelli, has sent shockwaves throughout the local community, prompting soul-searching and impassioned calls for justice.
The altercation, which erupted amidst the tranquil streets of Canelli on April 30th, 2024, quickly escalated from verbal exchanges into a flurry of physical violence. Eyewitnesses recounted the assailants’ wielding of sticks and a bike chain, inflicting grievous harm upon Nafugi, ultimately rendering him unconscious and fighting for his life.
Accounts provided by friends of the victim, who were present during the assault, paint a grim picture of the events leading up to Nafugi’s tragic demise. Describing a relentless pursuit by the assailants, the friends recount valiant but futile attempts to intervene, as Nafugi succumbed to the vicious onslaught, his fate sealed by the brutality of the attackers.
Crucially, surveillance footage captured the entirety of the chilling altercation, serving as a pivotal piece of evidence in the ongoing investigation spearheaded by the Carabinieri. The confrontation is believed to have been fueled by simmering tensions stemming from prior disputes between Nafugi and the assailants, rooted in conflicts within the migrant center where they shared residence.
The troubling involvement of individuals associated with the CAS migrant center in Cassinasco, where both the victim and perpetrators resided, underscores the pressing need for concerted efforts to address underlying tensions and safeguard vulnerable migrant populations. As authorities delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding Nafugi’s untimely demise, profound questions loom regarding the adequacy of security protocols and the imperative for proactive interventions to avert future tragedies of this nature.