Police in Thuringia, Germany, are investigating a racist incident at a migrant reception facility in Suhl, resulting in the termination of two security guards. The guards allegedly incited racial hatred while on duty, sparking outrage and an ongoing criminal investigation.
The incident involved the guards playing the song “L’amour toujours” by Italian DJ Gigi D’Agostino on a smartphone and making racist comments. A colleague recorded the event and filed a complaint, leading to the guards’ suspension and subsequent dismissal. A police spokesperson confirmed that an investigation is underway for incitement to racial hatred, a serious offense under German law.
This event at the Thuringia asylum seekers’ center is one of several racism-related investigations currently being conducted by the police. The timing is notable as it follows another high-profile racism scandal involving a viral video from a party on the northern German island of Sylt. In the video, party-goers chanted “foreigners out!” and “Germany for the Germans” to the tune of “L’amour toujours” and imitated Nazi gestures. The video has drawn widespread condemnation, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz labeling the slogans as “disgusting” and “unacceptable.”
Green Party Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also condemned the actions, emphasizing that such behavior attacks the core values that hold Germany together. Despite government efforts to curb such sentiments, the alternative racist lyrics to the song continue to be recorded at parties in other German states, prompting further police investigations.
In Suhl, one of the dismissed security guards has filed counter charges for violation of privacy and defamation, adding another layer of complexity to the case. Video footage of the incident is still under review. Katharina König-Preuss of the Left Party (Die Linke) expressed her outrage on social media, stating that it is unacceptable for security personnel, who are supposed to ensure safety, to spread racist hatred. She called for a review of the security companies operating in the area.