Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing of Hong Kong recently completed a significant 10-day pastoral visit to the UK, with a noteworthy portion of his time spent in Cambridge, within the Diocese of East Anglia. The visit, from July 19-29, was eagerly awaited by the local Catholic Hong Kong migrant community.
On July 23 and 24, Bishop Joseph’s presence in Cambridge was a highlight for the community, which had been forming a supportive network since March 2022 with the help of Mgr Eugene Harkness and Canon John Minh. The connection between Bishop Joseph and the community began before his arrival, with the Bishop initially reaching out through a video message during their first Cantonese Mass in April 2022, as reported by Dominic Chung.
During his visit, Bishop Joseph heard confessions in Cantonese at Our Lady of the Assumption and the English Martyrs (OLEM) on Hills Road, addressing a significant barrier for many migrants who found confession in English challenging. This opportunity for confession in their native language was deeply appreciated by the community, providing a much-needed spiritual boost.
The Bishop also celebrated a sung Mass at OLEM using the liturgy of St. Bridget, the Patroness of Europe. The service, which saw an attendance of around 120 people, was a focal point of his visit. After the Mass, the community enjoyed a bring-and-share meal, fostering joy and connection among old friends and new acquaintances, as noted by Dominic Chung.
On the following day, Bishop Joseph delivered a motivational talk on discipleship, highlighting the importance of spreading the Gospel. His interactive presentation left a profound impression on the attendees, emphasizing the need to share God’s unconditional love with others.
Bishop Joseph’s visit to Cambridge had a lasting impact on the local Catholic Hong Kong migrant community, inspiring them to continue their faith journey with renewed dedication and enthusiasm.