The Berlin Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA), commonly known as the Ausländerbehörde, has implemented a new appointment booking system designed to prevent the illegal sale of appointments. This change follows the removal of the previous Online Appointment System (OTV) from the internet for maintenance, which aimed to curb the use of bots that book appointments and sell them to those in desperate need.
Under the new system, individuals seeking to extend their visa or residence permit must now apply for an appointment via a contact form. Along with this application, they are required to digitally upload their relevant documents. Once these documents are reviewed and verified, applicants will receive an invitation to schedule an appointment.
Despite these improvements, long waiting times for appointments are still anticipated. Berlin’s administration remains seriously understaffed, leading to ongoing delays. While the new system aims to prevent the unauthorized sale of appointments, the Ausländerbehörde is still struggling to process applications efficiently. In June 2023, the office’s director, Engelhard Mazanke, acknowledged that the administration was overwhelmed to the point of being “on the edge of dysfunctionality,” a situation that has not significantly improved since.
To address the issue of expiring documents, the new system includes a provision where using the contact form counts as an application if your residence permit, residence authorization, or temporary suspension of deportation is set to expire within the next four weeks or has already expired. This measure allows your previous residence permit to be regarded as valid, enabling you to continue working or studying in Berlin until you attend your scheduled appointment.
However, it is important to note that this extended validity applies only within Berlin. This means that if your residence card or visa has expired, you will not be able to travel abroad until you have attended your renewal appointment and received updated documentation.